

5 products

Lactuca sativa

There are several types or cultivars of lettuce. Three types – leaf, head and cos or romaine – are the most common.
Leaf lettuce - Also known as looseleaf, cutting or bunching lettuce, this type has loosely bunched leaves and is the most widely planted. It is used mainly for salads.
Romaine/Cos lettuce - Used mainly for salads and sandwiches, this type forms long, upright heads.
Head lettuce - Distinguished by leaves arranged in a dense rosette which ultimately develops into a head. Iceberg lettuce, butterhead belong to this group.
Chinese lettuce (L. sativa var longifoliaf) - Also called A Choy,  AA Choy, You Mai Cai (Chinese mandarin), Yau Mak Choy, Yu Mak Choy, grown mainly for its leaves. The leaf is long and sword-shaped with a bit bitter taste.
Celtuce (L. sativa var. asparagina) - Also called Chinese stem lettuce or Wo Sun (Chinese mandarin), grown primarily for stem. .

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